Here again Plastitalia S.p.A. is on the top of the world with his PN25 line of electrofusion couplers. During last months a testing campaign has been launched and with the help of the Plastitalia’s internal laboratory, ISO 17025 accredited for the hydrostatic resistance test, the PN25 couplers family has been tested as PN32.
Not tested up to 32 bar or, simply, to be welded on pipes made by PE100 and SDR6… but really tested for PN32 bar that’s means that the fittings are able to resist for at least 50 years in service at 20 °C and with an internal pressure that is continuously at level of 32 bar.
Pipes PN32 doesn’t not exist if they have to be conform to the today standards (EN12201-2 or ISO 4427-2) because of the limitation to PN25, but in certain applications the necessity to overpass the standardization limits is a real need.
Considering the stress in the fused area, where the joint between the fitting and the pipes has to provide the mechanical and watertight resistance, should not be interesting to known that the couplers is able to withstand water surges over 32 bar. Is it not this kind of performance that a system designer should be happy to know when has to manage technical data, for the designing pressure system, that display a natural level of uncertainty ?
Now, in Plastitalia, the technical documentation to prove that the PN25 couplers series has been tested for PN32, with the same testing methods and parameters as requested by the existing standards, is available.
Today, and it has never been more true, Plastitalia’s electrofusion couplers are High Performance Fittings.
If you’re interested to receive more information please apply for at +39 0941 561476 (fax) or e-mail to: info@plastitaliaspa.com.