Prefabricated Sector Bend Thickness Calculator
Prefabricated Sector Bend Thickness Calculator
The Prefabricated Sector Bend Thickness Calculator allows to verify the prefabricated bend SDR according to the desired angle and the number of parts to be welded. The SDR is related to the maximum applicable pressure as a function of the type of PE used (e.g. PE100, PE80, etc.) Simply select the pipe diameter, SDR value, bend ratio, bend type, bend radius, and number of parts joined.
Note: This calculator does not consider the weld factor, assumed to be 1, and the effect that the internal bead has in the development of internal stresses. The results can be considered valid within a working temperature range up to 40 °C (apply appropriate coefficient according to UNI EN 12201-1 Annex A).
The equation used is based on the modified ASME B31.3-2012 standard for plastic pipes.
The representation of the results of the calculation tools proposed herein is for the sole purpose of providing general information. Plastitalia S.p.A. does not provide any warranty either expressed or implied about the results provided by the aforementioned calculation tools. No responsibility and obligation for any consequence related to the use of the calculation tools can be attributed to Plastitalia S.p.A. As of now, Plastitalia S.p.A. disclaims any responsibility for the correctness of the results presented and for the actions taken based on them.
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The calculations performed by our tools are based on research conducted by Plastitalia, such research is available upon request.